Carbon and Climate Solutions

Earth Science Africa is a climate change mitigation and adaptation consulting company based in Cape Town, South Africa. Our focus is on creating sustainable solutions to current and future environmental challenges.

About Us

We are environmental and social impact project developers whose purpose is to transform the lives of families in communities around the world through science-based climate change mitigation and adaptation projects.

We at Earth Science Africa are passionate about empowering our continent through improved environmental sustainability and socio-development.

Our Vision

The climate crisis is only addressed by small sustainable changes to business practices that lead to large future impacts. With the UN Sustainable Development Goals at our core we strive to contribute to the just transition to a net-zero economy by directing our problem solving skills toward addressing sustainable development wherever we can.

As young climate scientists we want to be hands-on and at the front in addressing real world issues.

Earth Science Africa Carbon Mitigation Consulting

Earth Science Africa offers unparalleled expertise in carbon consulting.

Contact us for implementation of carbon projects and strategies and solutions to address climate change and environmental sustainability.

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